Innovative SHGs livelihood threated by the Vellore Municipality

Vellore in Tamilnadu has a new Corporation. A bus stand that was under dispute earlier and was ready for use a couple of years back was handed over for its maintenance informally to a group of SHGs consisting of handicapped members. These members have not only maintained the bus stand as a model bus station (please see their innovations and revenue model below), but, have also generated substantial revenue for the bus station's maintenance itself. 

The entire effort has been steered by the Vellore Exnora Green Cross, in itself an innovative and novel idea spearheaded by Mr. Srinivasan, whose innovations on waste management have won him national and international accloades and recognition.

'T A S S' women federation - 120 SHGs women /Men and (including) all Physically Handicapped (47 Members), supported by Exnora Green Cross - Vellore from our “Vellore Bus Stand Maintenance and Beautification projects” will lose their job now as the Corporation has not conceded to their demand of either employment under the corporation or continue to provide them with permission to manage the bus station under a contract.
This is a one of its kind venture project in India, that is under the local people (SHGs) maintenance. In the last three and half years, it has brought and provided jobs for approximately 120 people in managing Solid Waste Management, Liquid Waste Management, Beautification works, Area cleaning, area greening, Toilet maintenance, Cycle & Scoter stand Maintenance etc,. 
1) Coverting waste water (including humen urine, toilet water etc.,)  into fodder grass and it was then converted as 120 lts milk every day.
2) Using waste chapals. shoes for building mud wall instead of bricks.
3) 24  hrs maintenance (Day and Night) by SHGs and physically Handicapped people.
4) Total Administration was done by SHGs
5) Solid waste was convert into money through Zero Waste Management practices. No burning inside the bus stand campus. Solid waste has not been thrown out in the last 3 1/2 years.
6) Nursery was started through waste water packets  +  Manure  +  waste water and it was sold for Rs.1/- each tree saplings to public.
7) User friendly toilets and Cycle/Scoter stand.
8) Coruption free process in all activities in our projects.
9) Milking Cows and Goshala managed inside the bus stand (Plantain leaves from Hotels are converted into dung with in 10 hrs). The milk from the cows are supplied to the hotels within the bus stand itself.
10) Bio-gas plant supports  kitchen and Dining hall  
11) Maintain rest rooms for both women and men. Other amenities include  Meeting hall and Drinking water well
12)  Rain water Harvesting model maintained
13) Maximum usage of waste water inside the same campus (2 acres) and treated through DUCK concepts.
13) Beautification works.
14) Open urinal was controled 90% by SHGs.
15) Total electrical maintenance work was done by SHGs
Can we do something to help ensure that these people don't lose their jobs? The local Collector as well as Home Minister have not adhered to petitions from the affected SHG members. You can contact Mr. Srinivasan of Vellore Exnora Green Cross for further information:
09443318523 /09245443103


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